Design Savvy wishes you a stylish new year!

The new year brings with it a new beginning. You have your own potential to commit to new resolutions, and so does your business. In the same way that there’s meaning to the changes you want to make, so should there be meaning to the changes you might want to make to the visual brand of your business. Here are a few basic tips on how to visually rebrand your business.

Know the risks of rebranding

Rebranding can come with some risks. These include inducing confusion among old customers, upsetting the coherence of the brand, and in some extreme cases, inciting backlash from the general public. Sounds scary? All these risks can be avoided with thorough research and consultation with design and marketing experts. Familiarize yourself with the core values of your brand. Balance logic with creativity in addressing any problems you may observe in your current visual branding.

Know your customers

Making changes doesn’t have to mean alienating your loyal customers. Know your audience and what their new needs are. Do your market research. Figure out how to meet their growing expectations while staying true to the identity of your brand.

Keep it versatile

Ensure that the design changes you’ll make will look consistent on various marketing and visual materials you’ll produce for your business. This goes for visual elements, colors, fonts, and other graphics.

Make new ads

Roll out your rebranding with a fresh set of ads that feature your brand’s new look. Let the people know you’re relaunching. Create a visual style guide aligned with your brand’s new design to ensure consistency among all your promotional materials.

Revamp your logo

The most common way most brands rebrand is through their logos. However, it can also be the trickiest part of visual rebranding. Avoid making drastic changes that might confuse your customers. Keep the core identity of your brand intact. On the other hand, making simple but well-placed changes can further establish your brand’s new era and make customers anticipate what you have in store for them.

If you’re still not sure where to start, Design Savvy can assist you in all things related to design. A quick skim of our portfolio will give you a glimpse of the years of experience and results we’ve delivered to our clients. Connect with us today!