Nutritional Counselor, Platt Medical Center
How I became interested in natural foods, diet, and taking care of my health and the health of others: At age 36 I was diagnosed with arthritis in my neck. Doctors recommended anti-inflammatory medications; I felt there could be an alternative to taking drugs. I started researching and came across a pamphlet that talked about reducing sugar intake to relieve the intensity of the pain. At the time, my diet was full of sugar and soft drinks; I had overindulged because I was working hard, raising a family with few moments to stop. But then I had to stop and pay attention. Arthritis feeds on sugar and a stressful lifestyle. I was a single mother with four children and my immune system was broken. I started by cutting out diet drinks and noticed an immediate change: less pain.
So I paid attention more. I had a choice - eat a candy bar and hurt, or forgo the candy bar and feel better. I decided I wanted to feel better and this was the beginning of my lifestyle change. I left the job I had and started working at Beans, Grains and Things in Little Rock, AK, a well-known health food store, and that was the beginning of my long journey into a whole new world.
I moved from Arkansas to California and in 1995 started working at Nature’s Express in Palm Springs, managing a department, and eventually becoming a buyer. Then I left Nature’s Express (now Nature’s RX), and became an education and sales representative for a vitamin company.