Patient and Reader Praise from Amazon
I Learned about the Importance of Hormones
Reviewer: Bill Carlson "Bill"
I normally don't read this kind of book, but I was intrigued by the title, and concerned about the effect of hormones upon the prostate gland. This book was very interesting to me. It contained much valuable information about hormones for men, in addition to women and children. I also learned about the importance of progesterone. I was surprised the body stopped producing progesterone after a man reaches fifty. I also learned that hormones have great effect upon ADD in children. My son has ADD, so the hormones would help him. The book motivated me to visit Dr. Platt and have a full diagnosis.
So Grateful
Reviewer: Barbara G. (Scottsdale, AZ)
Amazing book! I found the book easy to read and hard to put down. Thankfully, a doctor with a proactive, well-being approach; not tied to mainstream medicine and large drug companies. I was so impressed with Dr. Platt after reading his book, I made an appointment to meet him... I am grateful to finally find a doctor who wants to help get people well, naturally. As Dr. Platt points out, the body is meant to heal itself... he prescribes solutions to heal the body naturally.
The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones
Reviewer: R. Gardner (Palm Springs, CA)
I've read quite a few books on bio-identical hormones but this is one of the best. It is informative & easy to understand. Dr Platt doesn't present hormones as strictly a female or menopausal issue. He presents it as a human issue & gives examples of men & women, young & old who have benefited from the balancing of their hormones. Although the state of health care in America is at a very scary place, Dr Platt sheds a great ray of hope & light on human health. A fascinating read.
A Great Book
Reviewer: Brenda LaFleur
I have been reading and studying about health and nutrition for over 20 years now. I have read two other books on bio-identical hormones and found Dr. Platt's book to be the best. I like the way he puts everything into layman’s terms so it's easy for people to understand. I also like the patients stories and found that I was able to relate to some of them. I will be making an appointment to see him and I am confident that he will be able to diagnose my problems.
I was told I needed surgery until I met Dr. Platt
Reviewer: Lynn Leon (Gardiner, WA)
I became so ill I could hardly sit, lay down to sleep or work. I was told by my doctor I needed major surgery as soon as possible having to miss 3 months of work and how my life wouldn't be the same. He said that’s just the way it is, you’re getting older. This doctor was highly recommended where I live.
I had a family member who had been seeing Dr. Platt and was amazed at the transformation that happened. The person was in so much pain, often not being able to enjoy life like they used to. All of us were very concerned until we saw what Dr. Platt was able to do. Between what I had seen and reading his book I chose to go and see Dr. Platt. Amazing! In 24 hrs I was able to sit, sleep through the night and a month later won't need surgery.
His book is important to help us understand more about ourselves and the changes that happen as we get older. Educating us on what we can do so we can enjoy our lives to the fullest. And for me I found frustration that too many doctors cures are surgery and drugs.
A Life-Changing, Life-Saving Book
Reviewer: J. Lea Pierce "Lea Pierce, Wordsmith" (Santa Rosa, CA United States)
I got a copy of Dr. Platt's book by accident, but when I started reading it I (and my partner) saw us in the pages. It was really quite remarkable; Dr. Platt seemed to be writing about us. The book gave us hope for renewed health, and on the basis of it, we scheduled an appointment with him.
We have been following his program for less than a full week after driving back from southern California, but the results have already been astonishing. My partner was sleeping 12-13 hours a day and was always exhausted; she is now sleeping 8 hours a day and waking up naturally, rested. For the last year we had to drug ourselves with benadryl and melatonin to sleep; now, with the progesterone cream, we are sleeping easily and well. We both have energy again, and the brain fog is starting to clear. My partner was so depressed she was literally suicidal, yet all the anti-depressants in the world were not helping. She is no longer taking anti-depressants, yet she is in a better mood than I have seen her in YEARS. She was struggling to work 3-4 hours a day, and she has put in FULL 8 HOUR DAYS every day this week. There is no explanation for this major change other than the fact that she has been taking the thyroid and hormone medications prescribed by Dr. Platt. She has also been getting very ill with respiratory illnesses every winter for her entire life -- especially the last few years -- and she is now -- in just a week! -- in better health than she has been in years. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is true.
I have already lost nearly 6 pounds in five days, and I haven't even been 100?% compliant with cutting out refined carbs (I've been 95% compliant, my partner has been 100% compliant). What is most astonishing is that neither one of us have the cravings for sugar, white bread, candy, baked goods that we had before we started on Dr. Platt's regime. Before, we would try not to eat carbs, but it was just impossible -- the cravings were too great. I attribute the lack of cravings to the hormones Dr. Platt prescribed.
I don't know what will happen over the long term, but I do know this -- the results we seen in just the last week are nothing short of miraculous. We are going to keep this up. I won't bore everyone with the details of the major health problems we've both had during the last 10-15 years, but I will say that we had pretty much given up hope. I am 49 and my partner is 54, and we have real optimism now that we can regain our health and enjoy the rest of our lives with mobility and joy. Now I really believe that my lifelong goal of hiking down and up the Grand Canyon can be achieved, because now I really believe I can get the weight off that it will take to accomplish that goal.
Dr. Platt was kind, gentle, and factual when we met with him. His office staff is first rate. It was a blessing to talk to someone who, for the first time, didn't blame us for our weight and health problems. It was a blessing to have someone treat us as humans, not as lab results.
I recommend this book to anyone who is persistently, consistently overweight or is experiencing high blood sugar, etc. I recommend that you find the money and consult with Dr. Platt if there isn't someone in your area who will do hormone replacement. I think this is, at last, the real deal.
The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones
Reviewer: Geraldine Sidwell (Sedona, AZ)
Very interesting and informative, after reading this book I found a MD in my area that did this type of therapy. I did contact Dr. Platt by e-mail and took the test. When I had my blood work done it was almost all the things he said that I was deficient in. I have given this book to many of my friends.
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