Dr. Platt’s large practice (patients come from all over the world) and his success in treating people are founded on one simple principal. “I have a non-traditional approach to medicine because I deal with the cause of the disease rather then the symptoms,” he explains. Most physicians’ reply to a patient’s problem is simply to scribble prescription after prescription sentencing the patient to a life of pills merely treating the symptoms not ultimately curing the problem. “When people come to me, many have been sick for years and I’m their last resort,” says Dr. Platt who initially trained as a surgeon. Consider the sky rocketing annual increases in health care costs and it’s obvious most physicians aren’t truly “fixing” their patients.
Dr. Platt explains and educates in simple and sensible language and a style that will long keep you turning pages. What many people don’t realize is the fact that the body is controlled by hormones. Through informative and interesting case histories that read more like a novel then a life-changing medical book, Dr. Platt illustrates again and again what happens to men, women and children when crucial hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone and Insulin become out of balance. Dr. Platt details how all hormones interact and the dramatic damage the body suffers when they are out of balance. His working knowledge on how easily those levels can be adjusted comes from years of close observation and careful practicing of medicine.
For example, Dr. Platt details the true evils of estrogen and its role in women’s cancers, heart attacks and stroke. The major point that strikes the reader repeatedly as it did me is how much sense Dr. Platt’s approach to wellness and healthy living that will last a lifetime is. He explains how progesterone, when prescribed in the correct dosage, literally changes people’s lives. It is successfully used for treating menopause, attention deficit disorder, weight loss, stress, depression, incontinence, migraines, hormonal imbalances in children, and male impotency, just to name a few. Dr. Platt’s use of progesterone is based on lab study results and proven in its ongoing effectiveness with his patients.
There are riveting case histories of patients with diabetes, thyroid conditions, depression, fibromyalgia, and high cholesterol who have been on numerous prescription drugs for years who seek out Dr. Platt and how with the right combination of Bio-Identical Hormones he rids them of their medications and restores their health. Dr. Platt explains exactly what Bio-Identical Hormones are and why they work so well. Readers soon understand why Natural Hormone Therapy is such a sensible simple solution for both mental and physical problems.
Readers will immediately identify with Dr. Platt’s patients and their problems. They’ll recognize the laundry list of drugs they’ve taken for years yet have done little to ultimately help them. After reading Dr. Platt’s book you’ll think, “why not try bio-identical hormones? For year’s I’ve wasted money on synthetic prescription drugs with debilitating side effects that have done little for me.” Dr. Platt’s book replaces resignation with hope and knowledge for those ready to listen and learn that there is an alternative way to wellness.
"The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones” is available on Amazon.com and at major bookstores.