Seven Locks Press
Media Contact: WJ Carrel
The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones 2nd edition by Bio-Identical Hormone Expert and Wellness Author Michael E. Platt, M.D. Is Launched on Internet bookseller websites, and in U.S. Bookstores July 16, 2007
Los Angeles, CA - Dr. Michael E. Platt, board certified internist, bio-identical hormone expert, and author of the highly-praised The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones, How I Lost My: fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger, migraines….. releases his new book, an updated and enhanced 2nd edition, on Internet bookseller websites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others), and in U.S. bookstores July 16, 2007.
Wellness colleagues, book critics and patients in the U.S. and abroad laud Dr. Platt’s The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones for its “reader-friendly exploration” of how natural bio-identical hormones can have the power to heal many maladies often considered “incurable.” “This is the most important health book published this year, or any year for that matter. It’s an easy, fascinating, highly-informative, even life-changing read,” states Barbara Morris, compounding pharmacist and author of Put Old On Hold.