Seven Locks Press
Media Contact: WJ Carrel authorambassador@aol.com
Bio-Identical Hormone Expert and Wellness Author Michael E. Platt, M.D. To Be Interviewed About His New Health Book on KRLA 870 AM’s “Healthy Advice with Dr. Gene” July 28, 2007 from 1-2 p.m. PST
Los Angeles, CA - Dr. Michael E. Platt, board certified internist, bio-identical hormone expert, and author of the highly-praised The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones, How I Lost My: fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger, migraines… will be interviewed by KRLA 870 AM’s Medical Anchorman Dr. Eugene Steiner on “Healthy Advice with Dr. Gene”, Saturday, July 28, from 1 to 2 p.m. PST. The interview will include a discussion of health issues, natural approaches to healing, and Dr. Platt’s new book, now selling on Internet bookseller websites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others), and in U.S. bookstores.
Dr. Gene Steiner is a wellness and anti-aging specialist. Radio talk show station KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles, California, reaches 2 million listeners from Santa Barbara County to Orange County. The show will also be broadcast live on Internet radio at www.newstalk870.com.
Wellness colleagues, book critics and patients in the U.S. and abroad laud Dr. Platt’s The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones for its “reader-friendly exploration” of how natural bio-identical hormones can have the power to heal many maladies often considered “incurable.” “This is the most important health book published this year, or any year for that matter. It’s an easy, fascinating, highly-informative, even life-changing read,” states Barbara Morris, compounding pharmacist and author of Put Old On Hold. The book is also considered an excellent primer for compounding pharmacists and others in the wellness community who work with natural bio-identical hormones.
Distributor Jim Riordan of Seven Locks Press previewed Dr. Platt’s work to the publishing world at Book Expo 2007, the U.S. book industry’s premiere event, in June; it was immediately acquired for distribution in Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa. Bob Erdmann, the foreign rights representative, will bring Dr. Platt’s book to the Frankfurt Book Fair scheduled for October 9-14, 2007 in Germany.
Dr. Platt, founder of the Platt Medical Center in Palm Desert, CA, is nationally and internationally known for his innovative, preventive approach to medicine through the use of natural (not synthetic) bio-identical hormones, mostly progesterone, for ADD/ADHD, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, PMS/menopause, sexual health, weight loss, migraines, and more. His protocol has many patients successfully relinquishing most if not all of their medications. Dr. Platt has devoted 34 years of his practice to wellness, and, since 1980, to the concept of balanced hormones which, comments Dr. Platt, “apparently is still not taught in medical school.”
For further information please contact distributor Jim Riordan at Seven Locks Press at (800) 354-5348 or the author’s publicist WJ Carrel at authorambassador@aol.com.
copyright ©2007 Platt Medical Center