Clancy Lane Publishing
Media Contact: WJ Carrel - authorambassador@aol.com
Bio-Identical Hormone Expert and Wellness Author Michael E. Platt, M.D. Wins Allbooks Review’s 2008 Best Health Book Award for THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES
Los Angeles, CA - Dr. Michael E. Platt, board certified internist, bio-identical hormone expert, and author of the highly-praised The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones, How I Lost My: fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger, migraines… has won the Best Health Book Editor’s Choice Award from Allbooks Review for 2008.
“Dr. Platt’s book is an excellent source of information on health issues facing many people. His book was the most enlightening, educational, and well-written amongst all our “Health” submissions,” says Allbooks Review Managing Editor Shirley Roe.
Allbooks Review, headquartered in suburban Toronto, Canada, reviews books in thirteen categories from North America, as well as works from Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East. Allbooks, voted one of the 101 Best Websites by Writer’s Digest, is a member of international reviewer and writer organizations, and is listed in several prestigious reviewer organization databases.
Wellness colleagues, other book reviewers, and patients in the U.S. and abroad laud Dr. Platt’s The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones for its “reader-friendly exploration” of how natural (non-synthetic) bio-identical hormones can have the power to heal many maladies often considered “incurable.” “This is the most important health book published this year, or any year for that matter. It’s an easy, fascinating, highly-informative, even life-changing read,” states Barbara Morris, compounding pharmacist and author of Put Old On Hold. The book is also considered an excellent primer for compounding pharmacists and others in the wellness community who work with bio-identical hormones.
Dr. Platt’s book, now selling on Internet bookseller websites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, drplatt.com, and others), and in U.S. bookstores, is distributed by Midpoint Trade Books of New York, New York.
Dr. Platt, founder of the Platt Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, CA, is internationally known for his innovative, preventive approach to medicine through the use of natural bio-identical hormones, for ADD/ADHD, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, PMS/menopause, sexual health, weight loss, migraines, anger, and more. His protocol allows his patients to successfully relinquish most of their medications. Dr. Platt has devoted 34 years of his practice to wellness, and, since 1983, to the concept of balanced hormones.
For further information please contact distributor Midpoint Trade at (212)727-0190, Midpoint Trade Marketing Director Julie Hardison at (913)362-1120, the author’s publicist WJ Carrel at authorambassador@aol.com, or AllbooksReview.com.
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