The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones: How I lost my fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger migraines (2nd ed.)
Michael E. Platt
Clancy Lane Publishing (2007)
ISBN 9780977668328
Reviewed by Cherie Fisher for Reader Views (6/07)
Dr. Michael E. Platt’s new book “The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones” -- how I lost my fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger migraines -- is very thought-provoking and well-written. In this book Dr. Platt takes on the traditional medical community who primarily base their treatments on clinical studies funded by pharmaceutical companies.