The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones: How I lost my fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger migraines (2nd ed.)

Michael E. Platt
Clancy Lane Publishing (2007)
ISBN 9780977668328
Reviewed by Cherie Fisher for Reader Views (6/07)

Dr. Michael E. Platt’s new book “The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones” -- how I lost my fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger migraines -- is very thought-provoking and well-written.  In this book Dr. Platt takes on the traditional medical community who primarily base their treatments on clinical studies funded by pharmaceutical companies.

His frustration lies in the fact that there is little to no incentive for studies about natural hormone supplements because no patents are available for these products and patents are where the real money is.  I found the book to be very well-written and reader-friendly for the lay person. 

Dr. Platt’s approach was very well-organized and his ideas seem to be ahead of his time.  As there are almost no research studies done on Dr. Platt’s approach, he used case studies from his clinical practice to support his claims.  He is a board certified internist with over 35 years of clinical experience.  He approaches illnesses looking for the cause, instead of just treating the symptoms, and has had tremendous success over the years.  His premise is that because hormones control every system in the body, the underlying causes of illnesses happen when they are out of balance.  Dr. Platt writes in his book “Until doctors get back to treating their patients instead of lab tests, until they start listening to patients instead of drug companies, and until they open themselves to a more logical and healthful approach to medicine, we are destined to remain on the bottom of the list of civilized countries when it comes to health care.”

I found “The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones” to be very interesting and I went to Dr. Platt’s website to see what it offered.  He has a free evaluation that you can take to see if you possibly have imbalanced hormones.  I took and received an immediate answer.  While the premise of the book is excellent and I agree with a lot of what he is saying, I am having a hard time locating a physician in my area that follows his premise.  Hopefully, that will change as more information is released on this topic and physicians see success in the treatments.  I applaud Dr. Platt’s efforts and hope that his approach will inspire the medical community.

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